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Discovered Oldest Historical Artifacts

The Oldest Historical Artifacts Discovered So Far

Here is a summary of the oldest historical artifacts discovered to date. Keep in mind that this list may change as new archaeological discoveries are constantly being made:


Stone Tools and Cutters:

The oldest artifacts in human history are stone tools. Simple stone cutters made by our ancestors, such as Homo habilis, date back approximately 2.6 million years.

Lomekwi Stones:

The Lomekwi Stones, found in Kenya, are dated to around 3.3 million years ago and represent some of the oldest examples of stone tools.

Venus Figurines:

Venus figurines from the Paleolithic period are stone or bone sculptures shaped like the female body. These figurines are dated from 40,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Lascaux Cave Paintings:

The wall paintings in the Lascaux Cave in France belong to the Paleolithic period and are dated to around 17,000 years ago.


Located in Turkey, Çatalhöyük is a Neolithic settlement dating back approximately 9,000 years. The frescoes and archaeological remains found at this settlement are significant.

Göbekli Tepe:

Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is known as a temple complex and is dated to around 12,000 years ago. It is the oldest known temple structure built during the Neolithic period.


Stonehenge in England is a structure consisting of massive stone circles dating back to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Various theories exist regarding its precise purpose and date.


The pyramids in Egypt are the most famous structures of the Ancient Egyptian civilization. The Great Pyramid of Giza (Khufu’s Pyramid) is the most renowned and dates back approximately 4,500 years.

Cuneiform Tablets:

Cuneiform tablets used in Mesopotamia around the 4th millennium BCE by the Sumerians are written documents from the prehistoric period.

Inanna’s Warka Vase:

This vase from Mesopotamia features symbols of the goddess Inanna and is dated to around 3100 BCE.

These artifacts represent some of the oldest historical items discovered and dated by archaeologists. However, as archaeological discoveries continue, this list is subject to updates.

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